The 8500 combined the two radios into a single piece of hardware. Originally this series of radios involved two radios, say the R71 for HF combined with the R7000 for VHF/UHF to cover the full range. It is a communications receiver that covers the HF/VHF/UHF range.

The R8500 is a “left over” concept that followed the R7000/7100/8500 path of development. I am not quite sure why you think there needs to be, or will be, a direct successor to the R8500. Foreign vendors have the same model since many of those countries do not have the requirement to block cell frequencies. Yes, the Icom IC-R8500 is still made today, although if I am not mistaken only the unblocked Gov version can be found in the US and so only certain buyers can purchase it.